
Stayz weighs in on short let plan

Holiday rental accommodation has been hotly debated in NSW politics for many years now.

As Australia’s original and longest operating holiday rental accommodation website, we have used our experience and knowledge of the sector to develop an evidence-based position on policy and regulatory settings that will support good outcomes for the tourism industry, the community and the short term rental sector.

We look forward to working with all stakeholders on the NSW Government’s discussion paper – to get the balance of regulation, support, and development right.

Short-term rental accommodation has been a mainstay of the tourism sector in New South Wales for decades. Many mum and dad holiday homeowners have utilised short-term rental accommodation platforms to let out their properties when they are not in use. This has helped many families cover the costs associated with owning and maintaining a property.

However, to ensure the continued growth of the entire tourism sector, the short-term rental accommodation sector needs regulatory clarity and certainty.

To that end, Stayz believes a regulatory solution that is underpinned by a simple and compulsory registration system will improve amenity, provide certainty about the boundaries of the sector and ensure tourism remains an engine room of the state economy. The NSW Parliament agreed.

The power to enact a registration system for short-term rentals was included in the final legislative package that passed the NSW Parliament in Aug 2018. Rather than a surprise, the Government’s intent has been clear for over 12-months. The NSW Government is now seeking to enact the powers that were given to it by the Parliament – powers that sat on the books well before, during and since the 2019 election.

The NSW Government is right to enact a registration system for all short-term rental accommodation. When implemented correctly in other parts of the world, the registration of holiday rentals has proven to be a low-cost and effective way of informing the development of sensible rules for our growing sector.

Governments here in Australia and around the world are beginning to realise that registration is critical to the overall regulatory solution for holiday rentals.

Amenity rules, planning codes and minimum standards are almost impossible to enforce without registration. Also, registration will shed light on the true size of our sector and finally provide truthful answers to questions about our sector’s impact on housing accessibility and affordability.

Registration is the only place to start for a lasting regulatory solution for our sector. It will allow the development of sensible rules for our growing sector, dispel myths and ensure the tourism economy can continue to grow. For Australia’s original, home-grown short-term rental accommodation website, simple and compulsory registration of all holiday rentals cannot come quickly enough.

One Comment

  1. #Stayz by HomeAway and #EachamCurry: “work with government”…”mums and dads”…”helps families cover costs”… Zero consultation with community groups. No right of reply?

    Development Consent and compliance with National Construction Codes, Disability Access and Fire and Rescue infrastrcuture a MUST!

    Stayz and Airbnb = contempt for residential zoning, our legal case law, the property rights of neighbouring residents plus the rights of accredited accommodation providers.

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