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Caravan & camping industry puts safety first

Time to take responsibility for yourself and others CCIA pushes safety message ahead of summer rush

With over 840,000 registered RVs in Australia, camping holidays enjoying increased popularity, and a  record number of Australians planning their trips for the summer holidays, the  Caravan Industry Association of Australia (CCIA) has deemed it timely to launch its ‘Caravan & Camping Safety’ campaign launch.

According to the CCIA, in the coming months, approximately 14 million nights and in excess of 4 million camping trips are expected to be taken across Australia this coming summer. 

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Announcing the campaign launch, CEO, Stuart Lamont said caravan and camping is a great activity enjoyed by many millions of Australians and in particular over the summer break. 

“Importantly we want to see all those who go caravan and camping over the upcoming holidays, not only have a great time while at their destination, but also return home safely.”

As part of the campaign over the next month, CCIA will be sharing road safety information regarding pre-planning trips to manage fatigue, appropriate use of rest stops including truck rest areas, vehicle preparation, sharing the road with trucks, towing, caravan parks, and shared spaces.

Pool safety will also be heavily promoted.

Pool safety to be heavily promoted

CCIA research indicates:

  • RV road users are most likely to have a crash on Monday or Sunday as drivers return from their holidays.
  • Crashes are most likely to occur between 10am and 12pm.
  • Whilst crashes are more likely to occur in urban centres, fatalities are more likely to occur on regional roads.
  • Rear Ends are the most common reason for a crash (18 percent) followed by angle collision i.e. turning (14 percent) and losing control (13 percent)
  • Over 330 Australians lost their lives in drowning incidents last year, with double that estimated to have suffered serious non-fatal drowning incidents

“Getting to your destination safely is only one part of the safety discussion,” Mr Lamont said.

“Caravan Parks across the country provide a safe, family friendly and exceptional holiday experience, however, with the number of campers choosing to spend their holidays in parks we’re reminding holidaymakers to remember the importance of pool safety and shared spaces within caravan holiday parks.”

CCIA has developed in partnership with other state caravan associations, professional service providers and other relevant bodies including the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and Queensland Trucking Association, free-to-access consumer digital and print educational assets.

This information will be presented using easy-to-digest videos, engaging online quizzes, and written content across email, social media, and digital platforms. Each year tens of thousands of handbooks are distributed free of charge.

Additionally, people will be directed to materials hosted on the following websites throughout the month:

National Recreational Vehicle Towing Guide

Co-Exist, Road sharing with heavy vehicles 




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