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Robotic pool cleaners transform accommodation maintenance

Robotic pool cleaners are a sound economic choice when compared to the cost of employing or contracting someone to manually clean the pool

No matter the location, a swimming pool is an attractive amenity for travellers. For many, the ideal holiday destination conjures images of lazy days around the pool, and pools remain one of the best facilities for boosting the hotel’s turnover.

However, the guest experience can quickly be tarnished by an unclean or poorly maintained hotel pool. More than just unsightly, an unclean pool can also be a health risk, increasing the likelihood of waterborne illnesses and infections.

This article was published in the new Autumn edition of AccomNews available now. Read it HERE

And while regular pool maintenance is essential for preserving water quality and the lifespan of this popular amenity, employing contractors or training staff to manually clean the pool can be costly and time-consuming.

As an alternative, robotic pool cleaners can assist accommodation operators by ensuring their pool is sparkling clean year-round, whilst requiring minimal manual labour from staff.

Fluidra Commercial Australia’s Projects Manager Adrian Schruhm said pool cleanliness is essential for ensuring guest satisfaction and robotic pool cleaners can help operators maintain a high standard.

“For many people, the choice of accommodation is well researched, and the available facilities make a big part of the decision,” he said.

“Swimming for both fitness and relaxation is continuing to be a feature guests are looking for and being able to use a pool which is crystal clear and well maintained promotes increased usage, higher referrals and higher customer satisfaction.

“With robotic pool cleaners being a highly efficient and simple system for facilities to maintain their pools at a high level of cleanliness, they are an essential piece of equipment.”

Adrian added that robotic pool cleaners are a sound economic choice when compared to the cost of employing or contracting someone to manually clean the pool.

“As robotic cleaners operate independently of the filtration system, they are a very economical way to maintain a swimming pool,” he said.

“Previously either a staff member or external contractor would have to manually vacuum the pool which was time-consuming (and costly).

“Now, a robotic cleaner can be put into the pool after closing by anyone at the facility and removed in the morning as the pool re-opens.”

When selecting a robotic pool cleaner for an accommodation setting, managers should look for a device that can handle the demands of peak season.

“Operators should look for high-capacity debris retention, ease of use in getting the cleaner in and out of the pool along with the ability to manually operate the cleaner should a quick ‘spot clean’ be required,” he said.

And while technology is constantly evolving, Adrian said there were a few recent advancements to keep an eye out for.

“A recent technological advancement that has made a big impact is the mapping capabilities of units to provide maximum coverage each time they are used,” he said.

“Additionally, improved suction allows the devices to capture more debris. Lift functions which allow the cleaners to be more easily removed from the pool are also now available in some units.”

Competition ended May 31, 2024

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