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5 Tips for navigating the festive rush

When preparing your hospitality business for the holiday season, the wellbeing of your team is key to spreading Christmas cheer

While the holiday season marks the end of the working year for many industries, hospitality owners, operators, and workers, are preparing for one of their busiest periods.

As the holiday season approaches and travellers anticipate celebrating all the festive season has to offer, it’s crucial for operators to remember to ensure staff wellbeing. After all, beyond the Christmas lights and tinsel, it is your team that sets the stage for a magical guest experience. 

To help, AccomNews has collated a list of essential strategies and thoughtful practices to not only prepare your business for the festive rush but also ensure your staff feels supported, appreciated, and energised throughout this demanding period. 

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1. Balanced Rostering

Taking annual leave over the holiday period can be a balancing act, ensuring all staff are able to take adequate breaks to recharge while also ensuring they can spend precious time with loved ones.

To ensure your holiday roster doesn’t cause unnecessary complications, chat with staff early about their desired leave over the holiday period and confirm the roster in advance to allow everyone time to make plans with friends and family. Consider split shifts on key dates such as Christmas and New Year to ensure that staff are able to meet both their personal and professional obligations.

2. Boost Your Workforce

In anticipation of the busy holiday and summer period, be sure to consider your existing staff pool. Are you satisfied you will be able to meet the demands of the season or is now the perfect time to look at hiring some Christmas casuals?

With competition high between employers during this period, be sure to advertise well in advance to secure quality candidates that will fit in with your current team and workplace culture.

3. Thoughtful Touches

For staff giving up time with family and friends or working during perfect ‘beach day’ weather, small tokens of appreciation go a long way.

Consider popping some snacks or drinks in the staff room for employees to enjoy on break. Better yet, for staff working key holidays- look at providing meals free of charge. 

4. Safety Measures

Ensure the safety and security of your staff and guests during the holiday season, especially if you have a larger crowd.

Check fire alarms, and emergency exits, and have a plan in place for any unexpected situations.

5. Festive Cheer

In the midst of a demanding work schedule, it can make a world of difference to foster a festive mood amongst staff. For Christmas or holiday parties, ensure they are scheduled well in advance of the busy period and look for activities that all staff can enjoy. For staff with young children or who abstain from drinking, family-friendly events such as a team BBQ or picnic are ideal.  

As you head towards Christmas, activities like Secret Santa can be a terrific team bonding activity. Secret Santa can also serve as the perfect ‘ice breaker’ if your team has welcomed new staff.

While the holidays are a busy time for the industry, be sure to take a moment to appreciate and thank your staff for working through the festive season. After all, staff are key to spreading the Christmas cheer and creating a festive atmosphere for guests. 

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