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‘Mum & Dad’ property owners urge Government caution on Short Term Rental Regulations

Message to the Minns Government is that a proportionate, evidenced based approach to regulating the STRA sector is critical

The Australian and New Zealand Short-term Rental Association (ASTRA) recently addressed the NSW Parliament, advocating for a cautious approach to regulatory changes affecting ‘Mum and Dad’ property owners across the state.

This move comes as government ministers and officials signal potential new measures in the upcoming NSW budget, including a tax on these property owners and annual night caps on short-term accommodations.

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ASTRA CEO Mitch Price emphasised that short-term rental accommodation (STRA) represents only about 1 percent of Australia’s total housing stock, challenging the perception that STRA significantly impacts housing affordability and supply issues..

“Our sector is proud to help memorable holiday experiences for NSW families but its contribution does not stop here.

“We play a vital role in providing necessary accommodation for people seeking medical treatment, families fleeing domestic violence, transient workers, such as those in construction, who are essential in building new housing across the nation.

“ASTRA is advocating to government and decision makers that a 2 percent levy on all accommodation types, including hotels, motels, leisure parks and STRA be established. The revenue from this levy should be allocated to help address stubborn social issues including affordable housing, regional tourism and the upskilling of young people in regional NSW.

“Our members, primarily Mum and Dad owners, have told us that nightly caps will bring an end to the critical income they rely on as they approach retirement.

This is in addition to the devastating impacts such a measure would have on NSW’s most popular tourism destination and their local economies.

“ASTRA believes that every person in NSW deserves a safe night’s stay in accommodation, in whatever its form. We advocate for enhancements to the government registration portal for STRA properties and the existing code of practice.

“We also propose certification of owners and property management companies to ensure compliance and equity across the industry, in line with the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002.

“Our message to the Minns Government is that a proportionate, evidenced based approach to regulating the STRA sector is critical.

“We cannot let New South Wales become the New York City of short term rental accommodation where high taxes and misguided night caps have led to a sinister black market where accommodation is unsafe (and uninsured), the government misses out on tax revenue for critical public services and hotel prices are higher than the Empire State Building,” Mitch concluded.

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